Saturday, June 23, 2007

Screening Qs & a Portrait from TIF Aurelia

Lots of questions about the screening! Here's what we know:

YES, we are still taking names of people interested in the
July screening of Ten Inch Hero in LA.

NO, I do not yet know where, when, what time, or the number of available seats. We will do our best to accommodate as many people as we can.

Please send your name and email to the account if you are interested in more info as it comes available.

Priestly by Aurelia

How cool is this? Talented TIF Aurelia drew a portrait of Priestly for us. Thank you Aurelia!!!

I'm moving Aurelia to our top friends over on Myspace for a week or so as a thanks...make sure to send her a note!

Priestly by Aurelia!

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